Various Prizes from Million Dollars Journey

Laura is aiming to have a million dollars through her blog. With the purchase of her new domain,, she is celebrating it by giving away a lot of prizes.

Prizes in store for the lucky winner are 512mb MP3 player, a 125×125 spot advertisement on her blog for a month and a review from Laura herself.

You might want to take note on these info if you want to earn additional credits for the contest:
  1. On January 2007, it made a total of $53.88 - $45.22 in it’s first month of blogging.
  2. Her daughters participate in cheer leading.
  3. The Redskins are here favorite NFL team.
  4. She has 6 kids - 2 girls and 4 boys.
  5. Logo designed by Brian Aldrich from The Prize Blog.
You can gain as much as 20 entries! Check her contest blog for more info. Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST time December 31, 2007. Winner will be announced on 1/7/2008. Good luck!


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